DevotionsHard Copy
My Father Who is with Me
Mike became a father in October 2012 and since that day has discovered a greater depth of understanding and relationship with God as his Heavenly Father. This ten-part series explores a number of the things he has discovered about his relationship with Father God since the birth of his own son.
Devotional USB Stick
This USB years resource offer youth leaders the chance to have the rights to a number of e-book devotional sessions plus some videos and freebies.
Time Travel Devotion
9 Devotions with 3 Time Travel Videos designed to encourage young people to look to God for understanding as they grow in their relationship with Him.
Invisible Lives E-book
Invisible Lives helps young people learn about the injustice taking place in the world…
DevotionsHard Copy
Invisible Lives
Invisible Lives helps young people learn about the injustice taking place in the world…
The King is Coming E-book
This devotional Bible study touches on themes about Christmas…
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